Wednesday, September 9, 2009


In this episode of the AA Hour, we discuss a phenomenon of the past...the bar or tavern that opens at 6 AM. I'll tell you about working in San Francisco's Chinatown with a delivery driver who (to say the least) likes a morning bracer or two (or eight). And in the early '70's, there we're plenty of spots open in the wee hours.

Now, imagine navigating this:

Through streets like this:

How do you cope?  Well, SOME would stop at a place like THIS:

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, Dennis, what a memory. A few years later we may have bumped into each other. There was a time after RHS that a buddy and myself would join his buddy (a commercial trash collector). We'd meet him down in Chinatown about 2:30ish, find his rig parked on Grant (one side on the sidewalk) in front of some bar I can't recall. It was during that period between closing and I guess that reopening at 6am. We'd play pinball and throw back a few. Ah, those were the days. Probably was '75 or '76.

    I'm enjoying the Attitude Adjustment Hour. Keep 'em coming.
