Smitty's Market, Lockhart, Texas- BBQ Capital of the World
Hey, everybody! Welcome to the Attitude Adjustment Hour- a (hopefully) Happy Hour for your ears. What I really want to accomplish with the AA Hour is to share my podcasts with you. My thoughts might seem a bit scattershot, I start off with a basic topic about things I love: booze, food, roadtrips, and the like. But I'll go off the road and take you down a side alley with something barely releated to the main theme.
In future episodes I’ll take you to places like Smitty’s Market- see that picture up there? That is one of Texas’ best BBQ joints (arguably one of the best in the entire U.S.). We’re going to journey all over Central Texas, down to New Orleans, back home to San Francisco, hit the Big Apple, and all points in between, hitting bars, beer joints, dancehalls, BBQ joints, steak houses, just drinking and eating and enjoying life along the way. Hope you take that ride with me.
Hopefully, I’m not writin’ checks with my podcast that my ass can’t cash. (a lil’ Texas-ism fer y’all there…)
This blog page will be a constant work-in-progress. I’ll work on making future shows downloadable so you can listen on the run. I’ll be buggin’ the hell out of my Tech Guru,’s Brian Cooley, until I get this thing right…hopefully, he can keep me off the soft shoulder...
So, as them Cajuns say “Bon Ton Roulez”….Let the good times roll!
You can listen on the player below:

To listen, click HERE (or to download, right click and "save target as...")
why are you in TEXASS?
ReplyDeleteI moved here to syndicate a radio show and so the show could be centrally located to the rest of the country. (so it was either here, or Nebraska!)It ultimately didn't work out.